Dr. Shawn Thistle (RRS Education) Online Courses 8-Hour Bundle #12 ($139.99)
Further information can be found at https://shawnthistle.com/product/bundle-12-8-courses-8-credits/?v=3e8d115eb4b3
COURSE 1 – Lumbosacral Radiculopathy
Review Titles (year posted):
- Sciatic Nerve Excursion During Nerve Mobilization Exercises +MP3 (2016)
- Adding Forward Head Posture Corrective Exercises to the Management of Lumbosacral Radiculopathy – RCT +MP3 (2016)
- Early Multimodal Rehab Following Lumbar Disc Surgery: RCT Comparing Two Exercise Programs +MP3 (2015)
- Importance of Pain Localization with Dejarine’s Triad when Assessing Nerve Root Compression +MP3 (2016)
- MRI Findings as Effect Modifiers for LBP or Sciatica Patients – Systematic Review +MP3 (2017)
Learning Objectives:
- Identify how the sciatic nerve and adjacent nervous structures respond to tensioning and sliding techniques
- Appraise the potential benefit of adding forward head posture corrective exercises to the management of lumbosacral radiculopathy
- Compare clinical and muscle function outcomes of patients randomized to one of two early multimodal rehabilitation programs following single-level lumbar discectomy
- Assess whether the diagnostic accuracy of Dejarine’s triad (coughing, sneezing and straining) depends on how patient responses are categorized
- Determine whether the presence of certain MRI findings at baseline identify patients with low back pain or sciatica who respond better to specific interventions
COURSE 2 – Pregnancy & Pediatrics 102
Review Titles (year posted):
- Best Practices for Chiropractic Care of Children +MP3 (2016)
- Chiropractic and Other Manual Therapies for Infants and Children: Adverse Events Literature Review +MP3 (2015)
- Effects of Exercise & Kinesiotaping on Abdominal Recovery in Women after Caesarian Section +MP3 (2016)
- Effect of SMT on Pelvic Floor Function in Pregnant & Non-Pregnant Women +MP3 (2016)
- Exercise Level Before Pregnancy & the Risk of Pelvic Girdle Pain +MP3 (2016)
Learning Objectives:
- Summarize consensus-based recommendations regarding best practices for the chiropractic care of children
- Examine all reported cases of serious adverse events in infants and children receiving manual therapies from chiropractors as well as practitioners from other disciplines
- Compare the effectiveness of Kinesio taping combined with exercise on abdominal recovery in women post-caesarean section compared with exercise alone
- Assess alterations in pelvic floor function in pregnant women secondary to spinal manipulation
- Explore the association between exercise levels and types pre-pregnancy and pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy in nulliparous women
COURSE 3 – Low Back Pain: Important Papers 101
Review Titles (year posted):
- Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain: Clinical Practice Guideline +MP3 (2016)
- Prevention of Low Back Pain – Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis +MP3 (2016)
- Clinical Benefits of SMT for Acute Low Back Pain – Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis +MP3 (2017)
- Effect of Sitting on Stability Balls on Low Back Pain & Disability +MP3 (2017)
- Relationship Between Low Back Pain & Health-Related Quality of Life at 6 Months +MP3 (2015)
Learning Objectives:
- Review a current Clinical Practice Guideline pertaining to chiropractic case for low back pain
- Investigate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing low back pain
- Estimate the effectiveness and harms associated with spinal manipulation compared with non-manipulative therapies for adults with acute low back pain
- Investigate whether sitting on a stability ball affects core endurance, nonspecific low back pain (LBP), and/or disability from LBP
- Analyze the impact of low back pain on health-related quality of life while controlling for confounding factors
COURSE 4 – Clinical Care for Older Patients 102
Review Titles (year posted):
- Best Practices for Chiropractic Care for Older Adults – Systematic Review & Consensus Update +MP3 (2017)
- Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care to Improve Sensorimotor Function Associated with Falls Risk in Older People – RCT +MP3 (2016)
- Effects of Nonpharmacological Interventions for Dizziness in Older Patients – Systematic Review +MP3 (2016)
- Diagnosis & Management of Vertebral Compression Fractures +MP3 (2016)
- Use of Chiropractic & Costs of Care for Older Medicare Patients with CLBP & Multiple Comorbidities +MP3 (2017)
Learning Objectives:
- Review evidence-based recommendations regarding best practices for chiropractic care of older adults
- Assess the impact of chiropractic care on measures of sensorimotor function associated with the risk of falls in older adults
- Examine the effectiveness of nonpharmacological therapies for dizziness in older people
- Summarize the current state of knowledge pertaining to the diagnosis and management of vertebral compression fractures
- Explore the cost impact of utilizing chiropractic in older patients with chronic low back pain and multiple comorbidities
COURSE 5 – Contemporary Pain Research 102
Review Titles (year posted):
- Recognition & Treatment of Central Sensitization in Chronic Pain Patients +MP3 (2017)
- Clinical Biopsychosocial Assessment of Patients with Chronic Pain +MP3 (2017)
- Neuropathic Pain – Pathophysiology & Clinical Factors +MP3 (2017)
- Role of Spinal Manipulation in Modifying Central Sensitization +MP3 (2016)
- Reduced Temporal Summation as a Mechanism of Pain Relief with Spinal Manipulation +MP3 (2017)
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the mechanisms underpinning the presentation of central sensitization and define how clinicians can clinically recognize and treat it
- Summarize the practical assessment of chronic pain using a biopsychosocial framework
- Outline relevant factors pertaining to clinical presentation, pathophysiology and treatment of chronic neuropathic pain
- Examine the potential role played by spinal manipulative therapy in the management of central sensitization
- Investigate the hypoalgesic effect of thoracic spinal manipulation on pain induced by temporal summation
COURSE 6 – OPTIMa Systematic Reviews
Review Titles (year posted):
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Non-Invasive Management of Low Back Pain – OPTIMa Systematic Review +MP3 (2017)
- Management of Whiplash- or Neck-Associated Disorders – OPTIMa Systematic Review +MP3 (2017)
- Exercise for Soft Tissue Injuries of the Lower Limb – OPTIMa Systematic Review (2016)
- Soft-Tissue Therapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders & Injuries of the Extremities – OPTIMa Systematic Review +MP3 (2016)
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Conditions Related to Traffic Collisions – OPTIMa Systematic Review +MP3 (2015)
Learning Objectives:
- Identify, via systematic review, effective conservative interventions for the management of acute and chronic low back pain
- Update findings from the Neck Pain Task Force regarding the effectiveness of manual therapies, passive physical modalities, and acupuncture for the management of whiplash and neck pain
- Assess the efficacy of exercise interventions for lateral ankle sprains, Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis
- Evaluate the effectiveness of soft-tissue therapy compared to other interventions in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries in the upper and lower extremities
- Critically appraise and synthesize recommendations of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the management of common conditions related to traffic collisions
COURSE 7 – LBP Diagnostics & Assessment 101
Review Titles (year posted):
- Clinical Decision Rule for Patients with Acute LBP at Risk of Developing Chronic Pain +MP3 (2016)
- Classification of Low Back Pain – Best-Evidence Diagnostic Rules +MP3 (2017)
- Clinical Tests to Diagnose Lumbar Spondylolysis & Spondylolisthesis – Systematic Review +MP3 (2016)
- Clinical Tests for Lumbar Instability – Validity & Applicability +MP3 (2016)
- Prediction of Outcome in Patients with LBP – STarT Back Tool +MP3 (2017)
Learning Objectives:
- Critique the development of a screening tool to help clinicians identify acute low back pain patients more likely to progress to chronic pain
- Develop multi-faceted Clinical Diagnostic Rules (CDRs) for the lumbar spine using individual diagnostic accuracy scores based on best evidence for use in primary care clinical practice and research
- Systematically review the diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis compared to imaging modalities
- Assess the most commonly utilized clinical tests for lumbar instability
- Examine how clinician expectations, patient characteristics and the STarT Back Tool relate to patient outcomes in low back pain
COURSE 8 – Acupuncture 102: Clinical Miscellaneous
Review Titles (year posted):
- Acupoints – Narrative Literature Review +MP3 (2016)
- Acupuncture & Pain-Related Functional Connectivity of the Central Nervous System +MP3 (2016)
- Acupuncture for Neck Disorders – Cochrane Review +MP3 (2016)
- Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Extremities – Systematic Review +MP3 (2017)
- Long-term Effect of Acupuncture for Migraine Prophylaxis – RCT +MP3 (2017)
Learning Objectives:
- Outline the nature and function of acupoints from different perspectives to help clarify the potential mechanisms of acupuncture treatment
- Evaluate existing evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture in influencing the functional connectivity of the central nervous system in patients with musculoskeletal pain
- Summarize the most current scientific evidence on the effectiveness of acupuncture on acute, subacute and chronic neck pain
- Assess the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture therapies for the management of upper and lower extremity musculoskeletal disorders
- Determine if true acupuncture is more effective than sham acupuncture for prevention of migraine attacks
Instructor: Dr. Shawn Thistle
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERS: Completing Courses & Getting Your Certificates
- Log In and go to the E-Learning Menu tab and choose ‘MY COURSES’ under that tab.
- Click on the course title to enter the course-ware work space and proceed through each lesson page using the navigation at the bottom of the lesson page.
- Complete the Multiple Choice Quiz for the course. NOTE: A score of 100% is required to be issued with a certificate. You can repeat the quiz if necessary – there is no limit to the number of times you can take the quiz.
- Click on SUBMIT & FINISH. The next box shows you the quiz and at the top it shows if you achieved 100% and if not it will indicate which answers were incorrect. To redo the quiz you need to click on ‘Reattempt The Quiz’ at the bottom
- Do the quiz again to correct any questions and click on SUBMIT & FINISH again.
- Certificates can be downloaded after Quiz completion. NOTE: The system takes up to 5 min. to process the certificate for download so it may not generate immediately with a completion date on it. You can also go to the MY CERTIFICATES link in the top menu of the course-ware workspace and download it at any time.
- NOTE: Use the navigation system at the bottom of each page to proceed through the course and Quiz.