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Introduction to Functional Medicine

Course Date

Start: 06-07-2024 @ 9:00 am

End: 07-07-2024 @ 2:00 pm

Course Location

AECC University College
13-15 Parkwood Road,
United Kingdom

Course Description

Course Content

You will learn how to recognize and assess dysfunction within these systems via advanced physical exam techniques, psychosomatic assessment and affective cues from your patients. You will learn primary underlying causes of these visible and subjective manifestations of disease, as well as key nutritional and psychological strategies to clinically manage and empower patients to individually manage the condition in their daily life. Some of the specific conditions that will be covered are: chronic skin issues, inflammatory bowel disease manifestations, seasonal and food related allergies, endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalances, etc. This is also an opportunity for practitioner self-discovery in the manifestations of dysfunction that have been undiagnosed within their own body. By learning what our own bodies are telling us, we gain a deeper understanding of what our patients’ bodies are telling us.

Seminar Goals

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles of Functional Medicine.
  • Review physiological importance of integumentary, digestive, immune and endocrine systems through a Functional Medicine perspective.
  • Learn key physical and psychosomatic exam signs of disease in that are often missed in conventional clinical practice.
  • Learn nutritional and dietary strategies to manage chronic health conditions.
  • Discover potential deficiencies and imbalances within the physician himself/herself.


Registration: 8:45

09:00-10:15 The Who, What and Why of Functional Medicine

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-12:00 The Who, What and Why of Functional Medicine

12:00-13:15 Lunch (Negotiable time allowed)

13:15- 15:00 The Science: Review of Systems from a Functional

Medicine Perspective

15:00-15:20 Break and Movement Exercise

15:20-17:00 The Science: Review of Systems from a Functional

Medicine Perspective


9:00-10:30 The Art of Functional Medicine

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:00 The Functional Medicine Physical Exam

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Physician Heal Thyself: The Role of Mindful

Doctoring/ Closing/Q&A



Dr Rebecca Furlano As an early adopter of the Functional Medicine movement, Dr. Furlano’s passion has been rooted in the belief that patients must be viewed as whole systems, not just a diagnosis, in order to achieve total restoration of health. Dr. Furlano believes that now more than ever, the urgent need for a holistic viewpoint in the management of chronic disease must be met, especially given the global epidemic of lifestyle driven disease states. Dr. Furlano has a unique background of training and clinical experience in multiple areas of complementary medicine including nutritional science, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Herbalism and Chiropractic therapies. Dr. Furlano practices and teaches both locally and globally, as a commitment to spreading the and importance of the Functional Medicine movement. Dr. Furlano She received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree at National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, Illinois, and currently practices in Troy, Missouri, in the office of Dr. Brett Winchester of Winchester Spine and Sport.


Course Credits


Course Contact

If you are interested in taking this course, please contact the course provider.

Carleen Coombes