Course description:
In this lively, interactive weekend, we will take a tour of care across the lifespan of our patients, from infancy to the “golden age.” We will discuss common health concerns, assessment of the patient, evidence based health promotion and chiropractic adjusting strategies to insure patient safety and comfort. For infants and children we will include developmental milestones, common conditions to be mindful of, and care options. Related to care of adults, we will explore general health and wellness, and care of women in pregnancy. Nutrition and spinal health in pregnancy and chiropractic care of the pregnant patient. For the care of our older adult patients, we will examine age-related changes in the body and overall health and wellness concerns, prevention and health promotion and chiropractic care with comfort and safety in mind.
After completing to course participant will be able to:
- Recognize common health concerns in children, and chiropractic management in children.
- Discuss health promotion and prevention strategies for adult patient wellness.
- List common complication of pregnancy health professionals should be vigilant for, and appropriate co-management or referral, as appropriate.
- Summarize alterations to chiropractic adjusting to ensure patient safety and comfort.
- Recognize common age-related changes in our older patients, and appropriate co-management or referral as appropriate.
- Summarize chiropractic care strategies for patients with various levels of frailty, with a focus on patient safety and comfort.
- Recognize common causes and preventive strategies for falls in older patients.
Course Outline
Hour 1-2: Intro to Care Across the Lifespan: Overview and Bigger Picture
- Introduction
- Care in Infants and children, pregnancy, and older adults
- Pregnancy: Common health concerns, complications, and red flags
- Chiropractic assessment and care
Hour 3-4: Workshop on care in pregnancy and Intro: Infants and Children
- Workshop: Chiropractic in pregnancy; insuring safety and comfort
- Introduction to infants and children
- History and examination
- Common health concerns and red flags
Hour 5-7: Infants and Children and Workshop on Pediatric Chiropractic
- Chiropractic care of infants and children
- Headaches
- NMS Exam and Common NMS Concerns
- Workshop: Care of Infants and Children
Hour 8-10: Introduction to Aging Well
- Normal Aging
- Comprehensive Assessment of the Older Adult Patient
- Physical and Functional Assessment
- Cognitive Assessment; The 3 Ds: Depression, Delirium and Dementia
- Nutritional/Oral Health Assessment
- Home Safety/Fall Prevention
- Medications in Aging Adults: Reducing adverse events
- Best Practices
Hours 11: Workshop: Chiropractic care in Aging
Hour 12: Health Promotion and Prevention Across the Lifespan
Dr. Killinger is a 1983 graduate and professor of Clinical Sciences at Palmer College of Chiropractic. She was the first chiropractor ever hired by the US Government in 1999, when she developed the Chiropractic Program for the US Health Resources and Services Administration. In 2017 she served as the only chiropractor on the US Bureau of Health Professions’ Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary Community-Based Linkages. She currently teaches Geriatrics, Pediatrics, and Chiropractic techniques at Palmer College. She has received numerous professional and civic awards, authored 10 book chapters, over 100 scientific publications, and has made over 300 presentations at scientific conferences around the world.