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06/18/2024 7 – 9 PM CT Ethics 301 | Live Webinar

Course Date

Start: 18-06-2024 @ 7:00 pm

End: 18-06-2024 @ 9:00 pm

Course Location | Online
805 Austin Acres
Sulphur Springs

Course Description


Online Course Format:  Live Webinar
Course Tuition:   $59.00
Credit Hours ( CE ):  2
Contributor:  Monte Horne, DC
Date & Time :
Start:  June 18, 2024  7:00 pm
End:  June 18, 2024  9:00 pm
* Central Time Zone
image of neon ethics sign on our online chiropractic ce courses page
  • Course Description:

  • This essential chiropractic online CE course, approved for Texas Required Hours, focuses on the vital role of ethics in professional practice. Led by Monte Horne, DC, the course delves into the chiropractic code of ethics, demonstrating its application in clinical settings and team interactions.
  • Learning Objectives:

    • Imbibe ethical principles in chiropractic practice for considerate patient care.
    • Understand the role of office ethics in creating a cohesive work environment.
    • Stay updated with chiropractic board rules and directives.
    • Evaluate proposed changes in the field and their alignment with ethical standards.
  • Course Outline:

    • Comprehensive review of the chiropractic code of ethics.
    • Ethical considerations in office administration and patient interactions.
    • Updates on regulatory changes and their impact on chiropractic practice.


Course Credits


Course Contact

If you are interested in taking this course, please contact the course provider.

Monte Horne, DC