The European Academy of Chiropractic (EAC) is committed to facilitating and promoting CPD among its members. To maintain high levels of postgraduate development, it will award CPD credits to seminars, conferences, and other learning which it considers are of a standard to merit formal recognition. CPD credits normally do not contribute towards formal postgraduate academic degree awards. However, they may lead to certification that enables, for example, continued registration or membership with a professional body.
As it relates to the EAC, one CPD credit will equate to one hour of approved learning or skills-based activity. Half points, representing 30 minutes of learning or skills-based activity, may also be awarded.
Postgraduate activities for which CPD credits have been awarded can be promoted via the ECU website.
Seminars and conferences
When determining whether to approve taught seminar and conference content for the purposes of CPD accreditation, the Educational Development Director of shall apply the following criteria:
- Consistency with a biopsychosocial model of care as required within CCEI-accredited educational institutions
- Adherence to the principles of evidence-based care, robustly supported by peer reviewed evidence
- A clear relationship to health promotion or public health matters
- Content that is patient-centred and in patients’ best interests
- Content that is within the scope of chiropractic care
The EAC shall not unreasonably withhold accreditation of postgraduate activities unless it is felt that that the content may be contrary to accepted standards of professional chiropractic practice. This may include the promotion of practice styles or methods that have been found not to be in patients’ best interests or that are clearly unethical. It may also include the requirement of a delegate to purchase or acquire equipment in order to attend the seminar or to receive CPD hours.
Seminars and events relating to practice management may be approved for CPD credits where it may be shown that a chiropractor’s knowledge and skills may be developed such that patient care may be enhanced. Seminars and events with a predomination of practice building or claims without scientific and/or some peer reviewed appropriately designed evidence may not be approved for CPD credits.
Attendance at non-chiropractic health seminars and conferences
The EAC recognises that chiropractors may wish to attend postgraduate educational events organised by non-chiropractic health professional organisations. Where these have been approved for CPD by a recognised academic body, the EAC will give approval for CPD credits.
Online learning
The EAC recognises that online learning provides opportunities for CPD in the form of reading of papers or abstracts or by undertaking designated online learning programmes of study (e-learning modules, such as the GEN-C).
Credits may be awarded in accordance with estimated hours of online reading or study. In respect of e-learning, CPD credits may be awarded for approved programmes which include a final assessment of learning.
Self-study and other CPD activity
In addition to formal learning activities such as seminars and conferences (i.e. learning with others), the EAC also recognises that CPD can take other forms, including self-study. The EAC will therefore also recognise for the purposes of CPD the following activities:
- Reading of professional, academic, and scientific journals (up to 15 CPD hours per year)
- Attendance as a participant in national or international professional committees
- Peer observation or review. This may include formal observation of professional colleagues, small group professional discussions, peer review for the purposes of audit or GEP or observing other healthcare professionals